Our Organization and Mission

Truthout is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing independent news and commentary on a daily basis. Truthout works to spark action by revealing systemic injustice and providing a platform for transformative ideas, through in-depth investigative reporting and critical analysis. With a powerful, independent voice, we will spur the revolution in consciousness and inspire the direct action that is necessary to save the planet and humanity.

Editorial Independence Policy

In order to remain free of bias and adhere to high editorial standards, Truthout accepts no advertising or corporate backing. Instead, we depend on our readers, and a handful of foundations who support our mission, to make our work possible: Donations from individual readers have accounted for an average 81 percent of our annual budget over the last five years. Readers and foundations who donate to Truthout do so in their knowledge that our editorial principles and judgment are in no way influenced by those donations — they support us not in spite of the fact that we scrupulously maintain our editorial independence (even when it comes to our largest contributors), but because of that integrity.

Donor Transparency and Privacy Policy

Truthout respects the privacy of our readers and supporters and will never share personal contact information with third parties. For transparency, donors and foundations who give $500 or more in a year are listed, with their approval, in our annual report each year. We also report contributions totaling $5,000 or more to the IRS. You can view our 990 form for the most recent year here.

All donations to Truthout are tax-deductible. To donate to Truthout, click here.

For more information about our model and how we utilize our resources, please read Truthout’s annual report for the Financial Year 2016-2017. You can also view past annual reports:

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